Course curriculum

    1. Course Presentation and Course Objectives

    1. Lesson 1: Cupping therapy

    2. Lesson 2: History of cupping therapy

    3. Lesson 3: Required Equipment

    1. Lesson 4: Indications

    2. Lesson 5: Precautions

    3. Lesson 6: Contraindications

    4. Lesson 7: Local contraindications

    5. Lesson 8: Complications

    6. Lesson 9: Benefits

    1. Lesson 10: Pre-treatment consideration

    2. Lesson 11: Post-treatment considerations

    1. Lesson 12: Static Cupping Application

    2. Lesson 13: Static cups techniques

    3. Video: Pumping and Releasing Hard Cups

    4. Video: Tissue Approximation

    5. Video S- bowing

    6. Video C-Bowing

    7. Video: Fascia Lift

    8. Lesson 14: Skin reactions to static cupping

    9. Lesson 15: Dynamic cupping

    10. Lesson 16: Systems affected by dynamic cupping

    11. Lesson 17: Application

    12. Lesson 18: Gliding techniques

    13. Video-Uni-directional Gliding

    14. Video Uni-directional Gliding Part 2

    15. Video-Unidirectional with lift

    16. Video- Unidirectional with pumping

    17. Video-ZIG-ZAG Gliding

    18. Video-Circular Gliding

    19. Video- Mirrowing

    20. Video-Cross Fiber -ZigZag

    21. Video-Circular Gliding-Soft Cups

    22. Video- Flushing

    1. Lesson 19:Treatment tips

    2. Lesson 20: Equipment cleaning and disinfection

    3. Lesson 21:Storage

    4. Lesson 22:Treatment Examples

About this course

  • $399.99
  • 39 lessons

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